The guide contains:
- route segmentation per region
- maps with bicycle route and alternative routes
- elevation profile per segment
- a global route description
- information on how hard it is and road surface quality
- description of alternative routes
- information in attractions and highlights
- mentions of accommodations, shops and places to eat
- all the information to arrange your trip to your preferences
- Information about transportation
For this guide, a general route description is chosen. In principle, a good map is sufficient to navigate this route well.
Because these days few people travel without a GPS device or smartphone with GPX-tracks, a detailed description is unnecessary. The GPX-track can be downloaded through the QR-code in the guide.
The guide is presently only available in Dutch and is not translated in English. But you can still use it!
Tip 1: Read: How to use the guide as a non Dutch-speaker? Here you can find the explanation how to use the Dutch guide. Including the translation of the most important parts. For example: how to read the maps.
Tip 2: You can use a translation app with a camera function (f. ex. Google Lens or Google Translate) to read the Dutch text in the guide.
How to use the guide as a non Dutch-speaker?
The first part of the guide gives you information about
- Where to find the GPX-tracks: via the QR-code on page 5.
- How to use the guide (but I will explain it here for you, so you can skip page 6 and 7)
- Overview of the Kristians Route, page 8-11 (use translation app)
- Practical, page 12-22. (Yes, you can use a translation app here, but you can find a summary here, just go on reading)
So, now you have used the translation app a lot... And I suppose you can use it for the whole guide, but for the Route descriptions (page 23-99) I will give you some extra explanation, which makes it easier (I hope). But still I recommend a translation app as well. Let me know if it's not clear.
Important: Before you go, take a look at Additions to see if there are any changes or supplemental information that might be of use!
Route descriptions
In the guide you will find a global description of the route. In principle the maps should suffice for most of the navigation.
The complete bicycle route is divided in route segmentation per region. Every segment is introduced in the guide like this:
Meaning of the symbols:
- total distance of the route in kilometres on bicycle, 70 km;
- total distance of the route in kilometres on ferry boat, 14 km;
- percentage paved, 96 %;
- percentage unpaved, 4 %;
- the highest point, 111 m;
- total ascent in metres, 810 m;
- total descent in metres, 810 m.
- train station on the route. In this case only Porsgrunn;
- corresponding GPX tracks (see also QR-code on page 5);
- QR code with websites mentioned in the route description;
- an elevation and route profile.
How to read the maps?
English translation of the Legenda you can find in the guide (click to enlarge):
Most important:
- the red dashed line: main bicycle route
- the blue dashed line: alternatives
About the alternative routes:
In the guide are descriptions of the reasons for the alternatives, so you can make an informed decision about the route you want to take. Whether it is the main route or an alternative. For this reason it's recommended to use the GPX tracks together with the guide.
I admit: how can you make a good decision when it's written in Dutch? Maybe not. But try the translation app and I hope it's more clear then.
On every map, you see 'drops'
- Red drops: accommodations. The numbers in the red dots you can find in de list on page 112-119. Current information about the accommodation can be found at: (tip: click on 'show in map')
- Purple drops with a tool and a number: bicycle repair shops. And some times outdoor shops with a work place for bicycle. The numbers in the purple dots you can find in de list on page 120-122.
- Purple drops with a letter: means sights (bezienswaardigheden) and amenities (voorzieningen). Sometimes you see diverse voorzieningen, that means 'various amenities'
- purple drops with a supermarket trolley: supermarket
- purple drops with cutlery: café or restaurant
- blue drops with a train: train stations
- warning sign: caution! You can find the warning sign also in the description. Please, use the translation app.
These Dutch words are useful to know
- Alternatieve route = alternative route
- Bezienswaardigheden = sights / places tot visit
- Etappe = segment
- Fiets = bicycle
- Fietsen (plural) = bicycles
- Fietsen (verb) = cycling
- Fietsenmaker = bicycle repair shop
- Hoofdroute = main route (in this case: the main bicycle route, NOT the hiking route)
- Hoogteprofiel = Elevation profile
- Kaart = map
- Onderweg = on the way
- Overnachten = staying overnight
- Richting = direction
- Routebeschrijving = route description
- Routemarkering = route signs (in this case: the signs of the St. Olav's Way)
- Traject = segment
- Voorzieningen = amenities / facilities
- Waarschuwing = warning
Good luck, but above all: god tur (save travels). If you have still questions, maybe you can find the answers here: Practical or here: Faq. And other wise don't hesitate to contact me.